Becoming a Member
If you live in the Galena area and are not already involved in the life of another congregation, you're cordially invited to join us for worship and other activities of the church. First Presbyterian not only offers a beautiful, historic building, but also the warmth of Christian fellowship. The church is accessible to the handicapped through the ground-floor fellowship hall, where an elevator is available to the sanctuary.
Our Sunday morning worship services are held 10 a.m. year 'round. Nursery care is provided in the basement during our worship services.
Some of the other activities of our church are listed below. Further information may be obtained by calling the church office at (815) 777-0229.
Congregational Activities
Worship Services are held at 10 a.m. every Sunday morning. Additional regular services include Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve. In addition, we annually share several services with other member congregations of the United Churches of Galena: World Day of Prayer, Community Good Friday Service, Baccalaureate, Thanksgiving Eve Service, and a Community Christmas Concert.
Sunday School classes for adults are held at 9:00 a.m., September through May.
Fellowship Events—some of which are very innovative—and church potlucks are regularly scheduled throughout the year. Please see the Upcoming Events page or call the church office for current information.
The Session the governing body of the congregation, meets the third Sunday of each month.
The Trustees, the organization responsible for church finances and property, meets the fourth Tuesday of every month.
Presbyterian Men meet at 9 a.m., every Wednesday for a fellowship breakfast at Emmy Lou’s Restaurant (11347 Oldenburg Lane).
Vacation Bible School for pre-schoolers through sixth graders is held every summer in association with several other local congregations. Contact the church office for dates and times.
Confirmation Classes for young people seventh grade and older are offered on an as needed basis by the pastor.
You and your family are cordially invited to participate in any or all of the activities of our congregation. Why not become a part of our church family?
What does membership involve?
Church membership is a commitment to worship with us and to participate in the life of the church. It is a public confession of your faith. Membership gives you the opportunity to lead and to work with others, to use your skills and knowledge on behalf of other people in the name of Christ. Membership can help you grow, learn, share, and become receptive to new ideas—in short, it can help you become a part of our church family.
The Presbyterian church is governed by leaders known as elders, who are elected by the congregation and are ordained to a lay ministry on behalf of the local church. Together with the pastor, these elders make up the session, which oversees the day-to-day work of the church. We also have a board of trustees who are elected to manage our financial, legal, and property affairs.
The Presbyterian denomination traces its roots back through the Protestant Reformation to Augustine and the New Testament church. The seeds for our denomination were sown in 1553 when Scottish Protestant John Knox fled the religious persecution in his home land and settled in Geneva, Switzerland, where he studied under John Calvin. He returned to Scotland in 1556 and established a church based on Calvin's theology and theories of government. booklet on the history of the denomination is available from the church office. Booklets on other aspects of membership are also available.
How to Become a Member
There are three different ways a person can join a Presbyterian church:
• a letter of transfer. This is for those who are changing their active membership from one congregation to another.
By reaffirmation of faith. This is for those who have been baptized and confirmed but have been inactive for a period of time for whatever reason.
Confession of faith in Jesus Christ. This method is for those who have never previously joined a Christian church.
If you're interested in becoming a member of our congregation, please contact the pastor—Rev. Jim McCrea—or any current member. They will be happy to assist you.

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